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By The People Finishes Post
New York based Hyperbaric Productions has completed post production on the documentary, By The People, a behind-the-scenes look at the election process. Edited from more than eighty-five hours of footage shot during the 2004 presidential election, By The People is important, insightful and quite often, humorous. From the overworked staff at a county clerk's office to the thousands of volunteers, the story is one of people, not of politics. The film was edited in New York by Director Malindi Fickle and cameraman Kris Lienert and sound design and audio post were completed in Indianapolis by John Blankenship at Derringer Productions. This is a film that everyone who cares about democracy should make it a point to see. You'll never take voting for granted again.
Marion County Clerk, Doris Anne Sadler in a press clutch during the 2004 election. From the Hyperbaric Productions film "By The People."
Film or Video — Preparing for Post
The formats on which you both originate and finish could make the difference between successful distribution or a hobby. One of the best techniques to use to determine what format to shoot on, and in what format to deliver your final film, is to start at the end and work backwards. What do you realistically expect the end result to be? Is it festival screenings? Video distribution? World-wide theatrical exhibition? Sure, everyone would like a wide release but in reality what can you expect? Rather than "shoot the moon" with a script and budget that can't support each other,
be realistic about your film. If your final destination is to be a video release, can you get the look and feel you want with Mini-DV or should you opt for hi-def or even film? Sixteen or thirty-five? The key is balance. The quality of the script, the image, the sound, the acting, the art direction, the editing, and the sound design should all complement each other. Balancing your budget with your dreams is one of the most critical factors in determining the 'production-through-post' path to follow. Then, be sure to budget enough for good quality post. This is where all too many filmmakers drop the ball and compromise an otherwise really good film.
Making Senses Of It All
Written and directed by Chad Richards, Coming To My Senses is gaining a nice bit of notice on the festival circuit. Shot on Mini-DV, the indie short is long on that elusive quality known as "production value." Produced by Umbaugh Filmworks' Joel Umbaugh, with cinematography by David Yosha and location sound
by John Blankenship, the film makes especially good use of audio in creating the world in which the lead character, Diane, lives. Derringer Productions furnished the dolly and jib (in three length configurations, no less), and all post production sound was deftly handled by Derringer Post with sound design by John Blankenship.
What's Playing?
Where can you view great independent and foreign films? Visit:
• Key Cinemas
• Keystone Art
• Ind. Film Society
Screenwriters Notebook
The Screenwriters Notebook has a link to a long list of good screenwriting books. The list is a bit dated, but the books are all worthwhile reading and can help improve your script sense. If you have any suggestions for screenwriting links or thoughts on how the Screenwriters Notebook can serve you better, email us your ideas. Don't forget, the number one way to improve your writing is to write and write often. Click here to visit the Screenwriters Notebook.
Bright Humor?
Here's a whole five tons of production related light bulb jokes. Scroll down the page for a variety of other production based humor contributed from all over the world.
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If you have questions, information that you think should be listed on this site, or would like to increase your visibility with production professionals, click here.
